Thursday, December 29, 2005

Just when did the house get so quiet…
I know the kids have been gone for a while now, but I guess the house just never felt empty, just recently I realized how empty it really is. I found myself yelling at the animals as if they were my kids, they were fighting amongst themselves like the kids use to…and while I was doing this I realized my voice seemed to be echoing back at me…wow! I couldn’t believe it. Although it was just myself and the animals at home. Is this the empty nest syndrome that I’ve heard of before. It’s just Da Big Kahuna and myself home now and when he’s at work it’s me and the animals, ALL 4 of them, one dog, 3 cats. I guess I will be learning animal languages huh ;o) LOL
May You Find Many Blessings in the New Year
God Bless You All from our Home to Yours

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Santa Baby...

Hey wait, what's this !Could it be! To my surprise this AM I went to the fridge and what did I find,
but 6 Green bottles alined on my shelf.
I thought to myself, what's this.
Then it dawned on me...Wow Santa you left these at the wrong house LOL. I believe these are those Christmas Bottles that I have heard of before. They belong at another house where they'd be more appreciated and loved. So eventually they will make their way there.
But anyway Thank-You Santa

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Have yah ever noticed...

You can surely tell your family members who truly know you by the gifts they give.
One sister gave us a beautiful OSU blanket, thoughtfully made, knowing that Da Big Kahuna is the biggest OSU fan out there.
One sister gave us a hand made blanket as well...Problem being it was OU! Ok now what do I do, BIG doesn't allow anything OU even into the house hardly...Huh. What a predicament.(I wonder in this case would it be in bad taste to regift)

Friday, December 23, 2005

Finally !
I made it to the dentist and yah know what they told me, they said I MUST be a good brusher because my teeth were in good condition...Well THEY should be the actual dentist just filled 2 teeth in the months before he had pulled 2 others, so I surely didn't have too many left that would be bad LOL!
Anyway all is ok on the Dental front now....Yeah!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

You'll never guess... Ok I said earlier that I was going to the dentist right...WELL! The nerve, I got there, on time none the lest...Well I walked in and can you believe it. They told me they'd tried to call me to reschedule....They were backed up a bit...And wondered if it would inconvenience me to maybe come back in like at 1pm. Well I would have possibly been able to but I had already put off going to sisters I could have spent the night before and really gotten something done a lot earlier and back home etc. I digress. WELL seeming that this was not the first rescheduling they'd ask me to do, nor even the second...NO but the 4th, yes, the fourth time...I politely said No, I can't make it today, and they resettled me for the same time tomorrow AM. So again I have to Skye myself out. Get all prepared to go again. Oh well All good things come to those who are patient and wait they say.

And yes, some Beegees or Carpenters on the speakers would very comforting for some strange and familiar reason...Huh. More on that at a later time.

G'nite and God Bless from PrayerfulMom's House to Yours.

Today is Thursday, and once again I'm heading to the dentist...Yes, the dentist. I know that most hate going, I do too...As long as they slap on the ole gas mask and the music is right it can be an ok adventure. I always wonder why someone with the background in dairy would have such bad teeth...I grew up on a dairy farm and we would drink milk more than we would ever drink water, you'd think all that calcium would make for good strong teeth....Wrong! So I thank God for dentist. I for one am not looking forward to not having any teeth of my own unless I pay for them ! HA..........................!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

You know you've had too much coffee when...

* You can type sixty words a minute with your feet
* Instant coffee takes too long
* You chew on other people's fingernails
* You answer the door, before people knock
* You sleep with your eyes open
* You go to sleep, just so you can wake up and smell the coffee
* You don't even wait for the water to boil anymore
* You're the employee of the month at Starbucks
and you don't even work there
* You help your dog chase its tail
* You lick your coffeepot clean
* You go to AA meetings just for the free coffee
* You're so wired you pick up FM radio
* You have a picture of your coffee mug, on your coffee mug!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Yippie, weeeeeeeeeee, today was the last day of school, for 2005.
Maybe, just maybe I can possibly be a bit more active on this here thingy for a little while, Uncle Joe was complaining to me just the other day that nothings been added...well Joe! HA!